Full-Service provider for packaging, WEEE, batteries, furniture and textiles

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Sprache: DE

The authorized representative for packaging in Austria:
An important update for companies 

(Effective since January 1st, 2023, updated on December 4th, 2023)

Authorized representative for packaging in Austria

Service for our customers

Get advice from the EPR experts at My Compliance or book our International EPR Full-Service for packaging in Austria, and we will not only appoint an authorized representative for you, but also take over all EPR obligations for your company, including registration with a take-back system and reporting your packaging quantities according to GVM product groups.


We guarantee a quick and easy implementation of your obligations.

or give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

Introduction of the authorized representative for packaging in Austria

Important changes regarding packaging and packaging waste have recently been introduced in Austria. One of these innovations is the introduction of the concept of the authorized representative for packaging. In this blog post, we will look at the role of the authorized representative for packaging in Austria and how companies can implement this new regulation.

Background and legal basis

The Austrian Packaging Ordinance (VerpackVO) regulates the responsibilities of manufacturers, importers and distributors of packaging with regard to the take-back and recycling of packaging waste. The new regulation, which introduces the role of the authorized representative, is based on the amendments to the Packaging Ordinance and serves to increase transparency and responsibility in the area of packaging waste, especially with regard to foreign distributors.

Role of the authorized representative for packaging in Austria

An authorized representative is a natural or legal person resident in Austria who is commissioned by a foreign manufacturer or distributor of packaging or packaged products to fulfill the legal obligations related to the Packaging Ordinance on their behalf. 

This includes:

  • registration with the competent authority,
  • fulfillment of take-back and recycling obligations,
  • and provision of the required documentation and reporting.

The regulation has been in effect since January 1, 2023, so companies without a registered office in Austria should comply with the legal requirements in a timely manner. My Compliance will be happy to assist you in this regard, even at short notice, as we are aware of the problems of timely implementation for the distributors concerned.

or give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

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