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Sprache: DE

13. August 2024

Difference Between Lamps and Luminaires According to the ElektroG in Germany –

How Misregistrations Can Be Costly for Companies

Difference Between Lamps and Luminaires According to the ElektroG Germany


The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) regulates the take-back and disposal of electrical and electronic equipment in Germany. For many companies, correctly registering their products is a challenge, particularly when distinguishing between lamps and luminaires. However, incorrect registration can have significant financial consequences. In this blog post, we explain the difference between lamps and luminaires according to the Elektrogesetz and show how companies can avoid unnecessarily high disposal costs.

We are happy to assist you in updating your registration with the "stiftung ear". Additionally, get a quote for our ElektroG Germany Service.

give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

What are Lamps According to the Elektrogesetz?

According to the Elektrogesetz, lamps refer to specific types of lighting units, such as:

These fall under Category 3 "Lamps" of the ElektroG and must be registered accordingly.

It is important to note:

  • Lamps that are permanently built into luminaires and cannot be removed are registered as luminaires.
  • Incandescent and halogen lamps are not covered by the ElektroG in Germany!

What are Luminaires According to the ElektroG Germany?

Luminaires, in contrast to lamps, are devices that contain light sources, such as table lamps, floor lamps, or wall-mounted luminaires. These are often mistakenly registered as lamps, even though they actually fall under the categories of Category 4 "Large Appliances" or Category 5 "Small Appliances" of the ElektroG.

The edge lengths of the device types "Small Appliances" and "Large Appliances" are measured in the smallest foldable form of the product.

Misregistrations and Their Financial Consequences

Many companies mistakenly register their products as lamps when they should actually be classified as luminaires.
This misregistration leads to significantly higher disposal costs for the companies.

The presumed medium disposal costs for the various categories are as follows:


  • Gas Discharge Lamps that Can Be Used in Private Households:
    900.00 €/t
  • Lamps (Except Gas Discharge Lamps) that Can Be Used in Private Households:
    900.00 €/t
  • Large Appliances that Can Be Used in Private Households:
    20.00 €/t
  • Small Appliances that Can Be Used in Private Households:
    40.00 €/t


As of 13.08.2024, please refer to the "stiftung ear" link for the current presumed medium disposal costs.

Avoiding Unnecessary Costs

To avoid unnecessary costs, it is crucial to correctly register products according to the Elektrogesetz. Companies should ensure they fully understand the difference between lamps and luminaires and categorize their products accordingly.

If you are unsure, we are happy to assist you with the classification of your products through our ElektroG Germany Service.

We look forward to hearing from you,

give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

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