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Sprache: DE

Denmark: Single Use Plastic Directive and Packaging Registration

Portugal: Labelling obligations

Single Use Plastic (SUP)

In implementation of the corresponding EU directive, Denmark has specified the following obligations and deadlines in the area of single-use plastic:

Portugal: Labelling obligations | Container pictograms

Plastic products for single use, which also count as packaging

Plastic products for single use, which fall under the directive for single-use plastics and are also considered as packaging, must comply with the requirements of both directives. In the event of a conflict between the two directives, the directive on single-use plastics takes precedence.

Contrary to other regulations on producer responsibility, manufacturers or importers are not subject to a take-back obligation for old products. Instead, there is a so-called financial responsibility for the labeling, information and disposal of waste from single-use plastic products.

Labeling requirements for SUP

There are EU requirements for the labeling of single-use plastic products. In this case, the label shows a dead sea turtle along with the product in question, accompanied by the inscription: PLASTIC IN THE PRODUCT. The message is that plastics, including microplastics, are harmful to nature and the environment. There are various symbols, e.g., for wet wipes, beverage cups, or pads.

Packaging Registration

In Denmark, the first full implementation of producer responsibility for packaging is imminent. This process should be completed by January 1, 2025, with possible registration starting in April 2024. The primary goal is to reduce packaging consumption and at the same time increase the collection, return, and recycling of existing packaging materials. The producer responsibility extends to all types of packaging, regardless of their material, shape, and purpose. In addition, the environmental targets for collection and recycling have been improved as part of this extended producer responsibility.

Legal status quo

In Denmark, producer responsibility for packaging will become effective no later than January 1, 2025. A law on this has already been passed and accepted, but the implementation still depends on the drafting of a legal ordinance. This ordinance will contain the specific provisions which companies will be registered and required to report, as well as the financial responsibility and the division of tasks between the parties involved. The completion of the legal ordinance is planned for the year 2023.

Who is responsible as a producer in Denmark?

The political agreement made by the Danish government and a broad majority of the Danish parliament on August 30, 2022, stipulates, among other things:

"that the producer responsibility lies with the company in the value chain that has the greatest influence on the design of the packaging, to ensure that the financial incentive for reducing material consumption and design with a view to recycling is placed on the right actor."

Service for our customers

Please feel free to contact us now if you would like to have your packaging legally registered in Denmark from April 2024.

or give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0



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