Full-Service provider for packaging, WEEE, batteries, furniture and textiles

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Sprache: DE

28. May 2024,

updated on 14. October 2024

New B2C Packaging Labeling Obligation in Spain Starting January 2025

What does this mean for manufacturers and consumers?

New labeling obligation for packaging in Spain from January 2025

Service for our customers

Starting in January 2025, Spain will implement a new B2C packaging labeling obligation. Based on the Spanish law "Royal Decree 1055/2022," the previously voluntary labeling will become mandatory. In this article, we explain the current voluntary labeling regulations and the upcoming changes. We will also introduce the new pictograms and explain their meaning and application.

We are happy to offer you labeling consultancy for Spain. This consultancy service is even a free component of our Full-EPR-Service in Europe and helps you label your packaging in compliance with the law.

Stay informed with us.

Give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

Current voluntary labeling

Currently, the labeling of B2C packaging in Spain is based on voluntary guidelines. These may include the indication of the material from which the packaging is made, according to the abbreviations or numbers of Commission Decision 97/129/EC. Additionally, packaging may contain symbols indicating its reusability, participation in a deposit or return system, or its suitability for extended producer responsibility.

New labeling obligation starting January 2025

From January 2025, the labeling requirement according to "Royal Decree 1055/2022" will become mandatory. Every B2C package must then be clearly visible and legibly labeled with the appropriate pictogram indicating the intended disposal container. This aims to ensure better waste separation and recycling rates. What will define whether packaging has to be marked or not will be its first release on the Spanish market. If this first release on the Spanish market comes before December 31, 2024, the marking will not be mandatory. If its first release on the Spanish market falls after January 1, 2025, the B2C packaging will have to bear the marking.

Detailed description of the pictograms

Here are the four new pictograms that will be mandatory from 2025:

1. Yellow Bin

Yellow Bin - Plastic, Metal, and Composite Packaging

Plastic, Metal, and Composite Packaging

This symbol is used on packaging made of plastic, metal, and composites that must be collected in the yellow recycling container. Examples:

  • Plastic packaging: beverages, shampoo, cleaning agents, shower gel, shopping bags
  • Metal packaging: soft drink cans, tin cans, deodorants
  • Composite packaging: juice, milk, milkshakes

2. Blue Container

Blue Container -  Paper and Cardboard Packaging

Paper and Cardboard Packaging

This symbol is used on paper and cardboard packaging that must be collected in the blue recycling container. Examples:

  • Paper packaging: cookie boxes, cereal cartons, shoe boxes, frozen food packaging, paper bags

3. Brown Bin

Brown Bin - Compostable Packaging

Compostable Packaging

This symbol is used on compostable packaging that must be collected in the brown recycling container. Packaging is considered compostable if it meets the UNE EN 13432:2001 standard and can decompose in industrial facilities. Examples:

  • Compostable packaging: materials that can decompose under certain conditions and be used as fertilizer

4. Green Container

Green Container - Glass


This symbol is used on glass packaging that must be collected in the green recycling container. Examples:

  • Glass packaging: any glass bottle (for wine, spirits) or jars and containers (for cosmetics, perfume, jam, preserves)


The introduction of the new labeling obligation in January 2025 is an important step towards improving waste separation and recycling in Spain. Companies should prepare for these changes in a timely manner and ensure that their packaging complies with the new requirements.

Stay informed with us and ensure that your packaging is labeled in compliance with the law,

give us a call: +49 2443 994912-0

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